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Supine Stander by TherAdapt
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Price: 1458.70 USD
MSRP: 1620.78 USD OVERSIZED ITEM: Please Call to Order.


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Standing is an integral part of many developmentally disabled children’s rehabilitation.  Standing provides an alternative for positioning and pressure relief for those who use wheelchairs.

The Benefits of Standing

• Improved bowel and bladder function.

• Enhanced respiratory function.

• Increased endurance.

• Reduction of pressure ulcers.

• Prevention of lower extremity contractures.

• Lower extremity weight bearing improves and maintains bone density.

• Improvement of circulation.

• Strengthening of cardiovascular system.

• Facilitates development of appropriate alignment of the spine, hips, knees and ankles.

• Improves social interaction and self esteem.

There are several types of standers that are generally used. Supine Standers are considered an introduction to weight bearing and are used by patients who are lacking head control. They provide support on the posterior surface of the user and incremental weight bearing as tolerated. Prone Standers are used when patient has better head control, for strengthening extensors and as a functional position for play and upper extremity use. Vertical Standers are static and support the patient in an erect position. They are the best for maintaining bone density, assisting with bladder and bowel function and in introducing full weight bearing.

The TherAdapt® Supine Stander was designed to provide the developing child with posterior support and proper alignment while standing and weight bearing. The size, adaptability, and ease of using this stander makes it an ideal choice for the home, school, and therapy centers. It is available in three sizes: Early Intervention, Primary, and Intermediate.

We recommend that the Supine Stander be used by the individual who is either just beginning to stand, has low muscle tone, or who displays extension dominant movement in the trunk and lower extremities. (Note: The alignment of the weight bearing joints is essential for successful positioning in the Supine Stander).


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